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Tropical Cyclone Alfred support

General information for students

Updated as at 3.00pm, Wednesday 12 March

UniSQ campuses, sites, and activities

All physical UniSQ campuses and sites will be open from 6.00am Thursday 13 March. Before returning to campus, please check the road conditions to make sure it is safe for you to travel.
Parts of the Toowoomba and Ipswich Campuses have been partitioned off and students should avoid these areas as directed.
Students will be able to access the library and face-to-face support services, including iconnect during regular operating hours.
The Toowoomba Refectory will be open for food service, however the UniSQ Ipswich café will be closed until further notice.
Be cautious when moving around campus for unexpected hazards. Please watch your step and be mindful of slips and trips as you navigate the campuses. Please report any safety concerns using the ‘report a tip’ function on the SafeZone app.
The inter-campus shuttle bus will resume regular services from 6.15 am, Thursday 13 March.
Unless otherwise advised, all learning and teaching activities remain online and will continue online for the remainder of the week. Please regularly check your StudyDesk for updates on individual courses including rescheduled classes, assessment, laboratories, and residential schools.

Support for you

We know that this weather event may be making things tough for you. The UniSQ Wellbeing team is here to offer support, whether you need someone to talk to, practical advice, or help managing the impacts on your studies and wellbeing. 

If your situation is critical or life-threatening, please call 000 immediately.

For wellbeing support, access our online resources or phone us on 07 46312372 or email We have allocated a range of Cyclone Support appointments for students seeking non-critical wellbeing advice or support.

We understand that students impacted by this weather event may be unable to submit their assessments by the published due date.  Students requiring an assessment extension may apply for one through their Student Centre.

Assessment extensions will be available to students impacted by current events and may be submitted retrospectively where required. 

The Queensland Government is offering personal financial assistance and support for Queensland communities impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred in March 2025. Please visit the Queensland Government website for information on the support and grants available.

If you are located in New South Wales, please visit the NSW Government website for information on support available.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activities/placements

Please continue monitoring the school closures and early learning centre and kindergarten closures as well as the advice of relevant authorities and road conditions.

If your school, early learning centre or kindergarten is listed under the current closures, you will not be able to attend placement on Monday. If your placement site is open, but the impacts of the weather make travel conditions unsafe, do not attend placement.

For any disruptions to your placement due to school or site closures, travel conditions or restrictions, or caregiving responsibilities, please contact Dr Tania Leach, Deputy Head of School, when it is safe to do so.

Many placement providers have been impacted by the severe weather event. From Tuesday 11 March, students should wait to hear from the university via UMail about when they are able to return to placement.

If you are notified that your placement is open, please check the road conditions to make sure it is safe for you to travel and remember – if it is flooded, forget it.

Information about making up any missed placement hours or days will be provided to you in this email.
If you are notified that your placement remains paused, it means that your placement provider has not yet confirmed that you can recommence your placement or has indicated that it is not yet safe for you to return. We will be sending updates to your student email (UMail) when you are able to return to placement - please check your inbox daily.

Toowoomba Residential Colleges

The Residential College team remains available via phone (07 4631 2650) and email during business hours Thursday and Friday. Please note, the Residential Colleges Office will not be physically staffed.

Outside of these hours, Campus Safety and Security will be answering all requests via the All Hours Phone (07 4631 2950). Our Support for Learning team are also available during business hours for virtual appointments.

Please note that generators are being installed at Concannon and McGregor, in the event of potential power loss (Steele Rudd’s existing generator will operate if needed). Please observe all signage around generators and do not touch cabling/generator or enter the exclusion zones.

Additionally, to protect from the predicted severe winds, wheelie bins are being relocated to the following:

  • Concannon: Rec Hall balcony (A Block side)
  • McGregor: area between the Rec Hall and Dining Hall
  • Steele Rudd: JCR Courtyard area

Please also note that on-campus food outlets will be closed until the campus re-opens.

We're here for you

For any questions related to your studies, please get in touch with iconnect. We also have a range of free online support services available for you to access when it is safe to do so.