Join the UniSQ Library staff by wearing your favourite pyjamas on Friday 19 July to raise awareness and funds for National Pyjama Day!
19 JUL 2024
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
UniSQ Library - Toowoomba, Springfield, and Ipswich
Staff and students are invited to join Library Staff by coming to any of the three campus libraries wearing their favourite PJs, winter woollies or comfy clothes, and enjoy a morning tea of hot chocolate, Tim-Tams and marshmallows provided by the Library.
If you can, help us support the Foundation by making a donation via our UniSQ Library fundraising profile page on the National Pyjama Day website.
‘Pyjama Angel’ mentors visit with foster children once a week to read books together, play educational games, do home-work and have fun – all activities that are close to our Library heart!
If you can, help us support the Foundation by making a donation via our UniSQ Library fundraising profile page on the National Pyjama Day website.
What is National Pyjama Day?
National Pyjama Day is a fundraising event for the Pyjama Foundation to support ‘Pyjama Angel’ mentors who are volunteers providing one-on-one support to children in foster care.‘Pyjama Angel’ mentors visit with foster children once a week to read books together, play educational games, do home-work and have fun – all activities that are close to our Library heart!