UniSQ Career Adviser Seminars offer a fantastic opportunity for school staff to learn about exciting new UniSQ degrees and initiatives. In 2024, guests will learn about the iLAuNCH space program, key updates from our Admissions staff, and the trade and practical components of studying within the School of Surveying and Built Environment.
At our Brisbane event, hear from keynote speaker, Ashely Fell, a social researcher and trends expert from McCrindle Research, who will share how the future of work will look different for Generation Alpha (today’s primary school students) and Generation Z (today’s high school students). Drawing on McCrindle’s annual education future study and their credibility as those who gave Generation Alpha their label, this session will deliver a forecast of the transformative changes and insights into how to engage, develop and lead the emerging generations in the future of work.
At our Toowoomba event, take a guided tour of our Makerspace workshop, a creative environment where 3D creations come to life!
UniSQ Brisbane
Tuesday 27 February, 8.45am - 3.00pm
UniSQ Toowoomba
Thursday 29 February, 8.45am - 3.00pm
Please contact futurestudents@unisq.edu.au for further information and to register.