Teens taking up vaping
A new study by George Institute for Global Health suggests many Australian students can readily access e-cigarettes and that vaping in schools is becoming more prevalent, including in primary schools.
• Dr Dean Mills is an exercise physiologist at the University of Southern Queensland who specialises in respiratory function. He can comment on the issue and share details of a world-first study he is involved in which is investigating the effects of regular use of e-cigarettes on respiratory function and exercise capacity in young adults. Media contact: Griffith Thomas 0423 234 822
Foot and Mouth Disease - What could it mean for Australia?
There hasn't been a Foot & Mouth Disease outbreak in Australia since the late 1800s, and now it's on our doorstep. The disease is highly contagious and impacts cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock.
• Associate Professor Ben Lyons can explain why the Australian agricultural sector is justifiably nervous and what the flow on impact could be on the economy - from rural communities to the cities - if there's an outbreak here. Media contact: Rhianwen Whitney 0427 428 380
Opt-in vs opt-out donor systems
DonateLife Week (July 24-31) aims is to encourage more Australians to register to be an organ and tissue donor. Although around 90 per cent of Australian adults say they support organ donation, only around one in three are registered to be organ donors. Is it time Australia changed the law around organ donation to come in line with what most people want and introduce an “opt-out” system similar to other countries like England?
• Public health expert Dr Aletha Ward can discuss the motivations and barriers for people to register as organ donors, and whether an opt-out system would boost organ donation rates in Australia. Media contact: Griffith Thomas 0423 234 822
*Note – Dr Aletha Ward is not available on Tuesday, July 26 for interviews.
Netflix is adding ads
Netflix is looking to introduce commercials in a new lower-priced streaming package next year to help turn around its declining subscriber numbers.
• Film and television expert Dr Daryl Sparkes can share his take on Netflix’s bold bid to win over value-conscious consumers and the future for Netflix in the increasingly crowded streaming market. Media contact: Griffith Thomas 0423 234 822