They are business leaders at the top of their field, leading a staff of hundreds and a network of companies spanning the beef supply chain.
And with its success, Mort & Co understands the importance of lifelong learning.
Mort & Co, one of the largest and most experienced managers of lot-fed cattle in Australia, has partnered with the University of Southern Queensland for a tailored education program for its executives and managers.
Chief Executive Officer Stephen O'Brien said Mort & Co was a big business, dedicated to the teams of people working within it, and the communities it served.
“We are being presented with many opportunities for expansion and with this expansion we want to invest further in the development of our leadership teams right across the business,” Mr O'Brien said.
“We approached the University of Southern Queensland’s School of Business to partner with us on this learning journey, starting with our Executive Leadership Team.
“Phase two of this strategy included co-developing with University academics a learning and development program for our operational managers – who are recognised as integral to the performance and productivity of our teams.”
The series involves a suite of tailored online course content, personalised coaching and practical workshops, designed to match the needs of the business and the learning needs of people, including functionalities such as group discussions in the online environment.
University of Southern Queensland Head of School and Dean (Business) Professor Stuart Tooley said executive education services and programs harnessed the expertise of industry-experienced academics.
“Mort & Co is a key industry partner and a great example of the University’s broader engagement with industry,” Professor Stuart Tooley said.
“We provide corporate education to value add to an organisation and it’s many activities, a service vital to the modern-day business environment.
“Our academic knowledge, based on years of research and experience amongst our teaching team, engages with a company to understand what they do, stand for and wish to achieve, and identify where we can help.”
Program participant Amelia Booth, General Manager (People, Culture and Safety) said Mort & Co was committed to being an employer of choice through the ongoing development of its people.
“Our partnership with the University allows us to access a bespoke suite of programs, aimed at providing our leaders and managers the opportunity to develop capabilities required to be successful in our business, and beyond.
“Having the opportunity to actively learn with the rest of the Mort & Co leadership team provides an additional competitive edge for how we work together and how we continue to guide the success of the company.”
Learn more about the School of Business or contact the School of Business Industry Engagement Lead, Associate Professor Melissa Johnson Morgan.