According to Clean Up Australia, nearly 90 per cent of the four million computers purchased in Australia every year end up in landfill and the rate of electronic waste is growing at three times the rate of any other waste stream.
- Technology expert Associate Professor Andrew Maxwell says the movement of upcycling of technology needs to be explored in greater depth, and he’s got the lowdown on upcycling – including the types of e-waste that’s ordinarily thrown to the curb that can actually be repaired cheaply and easily. Media contact Griffith Thomas 0467 242 435 or Sarah Green 0417 799 331
Diverting organics from landfill and recycling organic waste to produce energy and biofertiliser is one way to tackle methane reduction - and University of Southern Queensland researchers have been drilling down on it for decades.
- Professor Bernadette McCabe is the Director of UniSQ’s Centre for Agricultural Engineering and an expert on converting organic waste to bioenergy and biofertiliser. Professor McCabe can discuss the major environmental and economic benefits that come from recycling organics into bioenergy and biofertilisers including greenhouse gas emissions reduction, diversion of waste from landfill and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and synthetic fertilisers.