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  • University of Southern Queensland pays tribute to long-serving Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio

University of Southern Queensland pays tribute to long-serving Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio

Mayor Paul Antonio.
University of Southern Queensland pays tribute to long-serving Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio

University of Southern Queensland leaders have honoured long-serving Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio, who will retire as an elected representative after nearly 42 years in local government.

Chancellor John Dornbusch paid tribute to Cr Antonio ahead of his retirement on July 21.

“Paul has demonstrated exceptional dedication and service to local government and our community for over 40 years, representing the interests of the Toowoomba region to all levels of government and industry, and achieving an extensive list of impressive outcomes,” Chancellor Dornbusch said.

“Paul’s support of the University of Southern Queensland has been unwavering, and the many positive collaborations between the Toowoomba community and the University are all founded on his commitment to ensuring the ongoing growth and development of our region.

“I wish Paul the very best for his much-deserved retirement.”

Vice-Chancellor Professor Geraldine Mackenzie thanked the Mayor for his wide-reaching and valuable contribution to Toowoomba and wished him all the best for the next chapter.

“It has been a pleasure working with Paul and sharing in his vision for the future of the Toowoomba Region,” Professor Mackenzie said.

Cr Antonio has been in the role since 2012, previously serving as the Mayor and a Councillor on the former Millmerran Shire Council from 1982 to 2012 and Toowoomba Deputy Mayor from 2008 to 2012.

Professor Mackenzie said he had always been an advocate for the importance of education and a strong supporter of international students in the region.

“Paul has shown steadfast support of the University of Southern Queensland and education generally,” Professor Mackenzie said.

“His passion for the Toowoomba region and drive for economic development have led to a long list of achievements.”

“He is a friend to me and so many in the Toowoomba community.”

Cr Antonio has been a champion of the important role the University plays in this region and has had a close relationship with the institution for more than four decades.