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  • Meet Dylan Wenzel-Halls: Elite Athlete Scholarship recipient

Meet Dylan Wenzel-Halls: Elite Athlete Scholarship recipient

A person in a black New Balance shirt stands smiling with arms crossed against a brick wall. A green and white building is in the background.
Professional football player and current Business and Commerce student, Dylan Wenzel-Halls.

The University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) is helping students kick sporting and study goals through its Elite Athlete Program.

The program provides students with specialised support services, helping them achieve their full academic potential while competing, coaching, or officiating sport at a high level.

Dylan Wenzel-Halls – a professional football player with two A-League titles to his name and UniSQ Bachelor of Business and Commerce student – is currently part of the Elite Athlete Program.

We sat down with him to discuss the program, scholarship, how he balances sport and study, and his advice for those thinking of following the same path.

Can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Dylan Wenzel-Halls. I am a professional football player and currently compete in the A-League for the Central Coast Mariners and I am also a two-time A-League champion.

What is the next major goal/tournament you’re aiming for?

My goal is to represent my country, as well as take my football overseas and play in European and Asian Leagues.

Why did you choose to study at UniSQ?

I chose to study at UniSQ as I am from Ipswich, so the University is close to home. I also enjoy the more personal interactions and friendly lecturers you get with UniSQ classes.

What advice would I give to rising athletes thinking of studying?

Sport brings unbelievable memories, moments and so much joy to us athletes, although the reality is at some stage athletes will retire. Studying is so important for life after sport, and I believe having a degree and study behind you will make retiring less daunting and an easier transition. It’s hard to find your passion away from sport, as growing up being an athlete is all we ever dreamed of. The team at UniSQ has helped me explore those passions.

What advice can you give other students considering applying for the Elite Athlete Scholarship?

I highly recommend applying for the Elite Athlete Scholarship as it is a great opportunity that allows you to get the most out of your study and the resources within the program are beneficial and helpful for studying. To be recognised and represent this great university along with fellow athletes is a great opportunity and an honour.

Do you compete, coach, or officiate sport at a high level? Learn more about the Elite Athlete Program and the scholarships on offer.