Presented by Professor Justin O'Riain, University of Cape Town, SA
14 AUG 2024
3.30 PM - 5.00 PM
3.30 PM - 5.00 PM
Online via zoom
This seminar will discuss the push-pull interrelationships between science, politics and social media, and outline a framework for embedding high-quality science in management and policy in a socially acceptable manner. The seminar will focus on relatable examples drawn from the field of wildlife management in South Africa, though the issues and principles described have broader applicability to any discipline where tensions between science and politics are heavily influenced by public opinion.
From this seminar, participants will have:
- an increased understanding of urban wildlife management issues in South Africa.
- Increased soft skills useful for improving science communication with policy makers and public.
- Increased ability to develop effective communications strategies that meet a variety of stakeholder needs.
For more information, please contact the Research Training Officer.