Candidate : Kemuel Achior
18 SEP 2024
11.30 AM - 1.00 PM
11.30 AM - 1.00 PM
Online via Zoom
Composting is an excellent alternative to landfills to reduce GHG emissions including CO2 and NH3 emissions. It is considered a more sustainable approach to solving urban and agricultural waste. It is also important for soil remediation and may act as a fertilizer to improve soil quality. The research that will be conducted will analyse the three following aspects.
- How does the turning frequency impact carbon footprint, microbial activity, and nutrient availability of compost.
- How are microbial communities and nutrients impacted throughout the different stages of composting.
- What is the carbon footprint from composting throughout the different life stages?
For more information, please email the Graduate Research School or phone 0746 31088.