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  • Confirmation of Candidature - The Co-Design of an Interprofessional Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Mental Wellbeing

Confirmation of Candidature - The Co-Design of an Interprofessional Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Mental Wellbeing

Candidate : Sally Smart
05 SEP 2024
12.00 PM - 1.30 PM
Online via Zoom

The `co-design process' and `Interprofessional care' are two frameworks that have been shown to hasten translation of findings into practice to support client outcomes, sooner. There is strong evidence to support the use of tools such as psychotherapy and exercise intervention as beneficial means of treating mental health conditions, however long wait lists are often a result of this demand. The aim of this project is to co-design a sustainable Interprofessional health intervention model that meaningfully engages community members experiencing mental health symptomatology as active co-designers. To achieve this, the research will apply thematic analysis to collected community members' and Clinicians' beliefs, attitudes and experiences with mental health and mental health treatment to identify important/desired components of this mental health intervention. The co-developed intervention will act as interim support to engage individuals in self-directed care sooner, improve mental health outcomes, and work to optimise service accessibility through reducing future wait times.

For more information, please email the Graduate Research School or phone 0746 311088.