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Aged care nurse

What does an aged care nurse do?

The compassion and care that aged care nurses provide to the elderly is truly unique and an essential part of a functioning society. An aged care nurse, sometimes known as a geriatric nurse, is often a registered nurse (RN) who has specialised in caring for the unique needs of older adults. If you decide to work in this profession your day-to-day might involve creating healthcare plans, educating patients, and providing emotional support to families. You will also assess the physical, mental and emotional state of your patients – always working to improve their quality of life where possible. You could be based in a community setting, retirement village, hospital, residential aged care facility, or work as a home care nurse or private nurse.

Is a career as an aged care nurse right for me?

Working as an aged care nurse often suits people who are caring, good at decision making and who have an interest in medicine. Other skills and attributes beneficial for this role include:

  • good communication skills
  • compassion and empathy
  • the ability to take responsibility
  • the ability to take initiative in emergencies
  • a high degree of integrity 
  • strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence 
  • a strong stomach for medical situations. 

How to become an aged care nurse

Every journey to study is individual and there are several paths to reaching your career in aged care. At UniSQ, we offer the following degrees in the area of nursing:
Average salary per week
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Related careers

© Commonwealth of Australia
Last updated May 2024.

A nurse looking after an elderly lady.

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