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What does a musician do?

Musicians are skilled artists with a passion for writing and performing musical compositions. Those with a career in music have expertise in an instrument, such as piano, guitar, percussion, or a particular woodwind, brass, or string instrument. For many musicians their voice is their instrument, and they are hired as singers. If you pursue a musical career, your time would be spent composing, practicing, and performing – perfecting your craft. You may be a solo act or part of a band or symphony orchestra. You could also become a music teacher at a school or offer private tuition depending on your qualifications.

Is a career as a musician right for me?

If you love writing, reading, and playing music you may enjoy a career as a musician. Other skills and attributes beneficial for a music career include:

  • confidence in front of a crowd 
  • self-motivation and resilience 
  • dedication 
  • effective communication skills 
  • the ability to network with others 
  • the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time
  • patience.

How to become a musician

Every journey to study is individual and there are several paths to reaching your music career goals. At UniSQ, we offer the following degrees in the area of music:
Average salary per week
Future demand
Related careers

© Commonwealth of Australia
Last updated May 2024.

A band playing in a small venue.

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