Vice-Chancellor's Executive
Our Vice-Chancellor’s Executive is a key advisory committee to the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to the management of the University and on the setting of strategic directions and the development of policy.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Executive provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor on the following matters:
- the management of the University
- the relevance, implementation and modification of existing policies and strategies, and on the development of new ones considered desirable
- the development and review of strategic and operational planning through the review of plans, and negotiation of planning outcomes
- institutional performance in all areas of its operation
- the development of the University’s budget methodology and budget allocation
- the academic and infrastructure planning and development of the University
- the assurance of regulatory compliance and ethical accountability for the institution
- reports containing recommendations and advice from its standing committees
- the continued development of University-wide communication and cooperation
- other strategic matters referred to the Committee by members.
Further information is available on the roles and functions of the Vice-Chancellor's Executive.
The membership of the Vice-Chancellor's Executive includes:
- Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)
- Provost
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
- Chief Financial Officer
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (First Nations Strategy)
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)
Management Committees
There are a number of management committees established to assist with portfolio responsibilities:
- Load Strategy Committee
- University Safety Committee
- Facilities Strategy Board
- Data, Information & Technology Strategy and Governance Committee
- Markets and Partners Strategy and Management Committee
Meeting dates
The Vice-Chancellor's Executive meets every two weeks at specific dates and times as outlined in the University Meeting Schedule.
Contact the Committee's Secretary
University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba
487-535 West Street
Toowoomba Qld 4350