Academic Board
Academic Board, the principal advisory committee to Council on academic matters, is concerned with monitoring the academic activities of the University’s schools, and the promotion and encouragement of teaching, scholarship and research. Underpinning this is the role of academic policy development and review. Academic Board is supported by a number of standing committees.
The functions of the Academic Board are as follows.
- Set institutional standards for academic quality and outcomes and monitor the effectiveness of initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning, programs and courses and the student experience, domestically, internationally and through Third Party arrangements.
- Make determinations on proposals for the accreditation of all academic programs of study offered by the University.
- Maintain oversight of academic and research integrity, including monitoring of potential and emerging risks.
- Review and provide advice on the development and effectiveness of policies, procedures and schedules that guide all academic and educational activities, including approval of Academic Quality policies.
- Monitor the quality of research, research training and research-related matters and associated policies and foster the development and maintenance of high standards and support for research and scholarship.
- Monitor and review the effectiveness of delegations made under policies and procedures relevant to the role and functions of the Board and its standing committees, ensuring delegations are appropriately implemented.
- Advise Council and/or the Vice-Chancellor on the academic aspects of the University's strategic plans, priorities and risk management, including evaluating the quality and effectiveness of educational innovations or proposals for innovations.
- Evaluate annual self-reviews of Academic Board’s standing committees to ensure that their referred responsibilities are effectively discharged.
- Provide a forum to facilitate communication on issues within the higher education sector, and encourage discussion and dissemination of information within the University regarding good practices in scholarship and research.
- Advise on matters referred to the Academic Board, within the remit of its delegated authorities, by Council, the Vice-Chancellor or other University officers.
The Academic Board Terms of Reference are supported by the Academic Board Charter.
The Academic Board Membership includes:
- Chair of the Board appointed by Council
- Vice-Chancellor
- Provost
- Associate Provost
- Deputy Vice-Chancellors
- Pro Vice-Chancellors
- Deans
- Senior members of the University
- Elected members of the academic staff
- UniSQ Student Guild Student Director
- Elected members from the student body.
The Academic Board is assisted in its operations by the following Standing Committees:
- Academic Board Executive Committee: Membership
- Education Committee: Membership
- Learning and Teaching Innovation Subcommittee
- Research Committee: Membership
- Research Training Subcommittee
- Student Academic Appeals Committee
The Terms of Reference for each committee outline the purpose, responsibilities and membership.
Academic Board Bulletins are available to the UniSQ community and provide an update of recent decisions and activities of the Academic Board:
Bulletins for previous years can be provided on request.
Contact us
For additional information on the Academic Board or meeting documentation please contact:
The Secretary to Academic Board