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UniSQ eResearch Services provide specialist IT support for Institutes, Centres and Schools to ensure enhanced research outcomes.

Through high-powered infrastructure and key services and support, our team helps all research staff and students to find local solutions to global problems.

For further information, request help, access training material, and more, visit eResearch Services SharePoint site.

Our services include:

Is your research data stored securely?

With UniSQ’s secure digital storage facilities, access files whenever you need and wherever you are, share them with your collaborators in Australia and overseas, enjoy peace of mind that your research data is stored securely and comply with all relevant policies and legislation.

We assist researchers to access, setup and use research data storage via the recommended secure digital storage facilities provided by UniSQ, to facilitate good research data management practice. We also help to develop research data management strategies and plans.

UniSQ policy recommends maintaining three copies of research data – one primary and two secondary copies, which keeps you covered if something goes wrong.

Some third-party services may store data in offshore data centres, which can breach privacy legislation and University policy. With UniSQ’s offered storage services, data is stored in Australia in a way aligned with UniSQ’s Research Data and Primary Materials Management Procedure.

Further, UniSQ’s Research Data Management and Indigenous Data Governance Schedule outlines the University’s management of digital Research Data under the framework of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) Data principles and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics) Data Principles for Indigenous Data.  

The Global Indigenous Data Alliance provides more information on the CARE Principles, and the Australian Research Data Commons provides more information on the FAIR Principles.

The UniSQ High Performance Computing (HPC) facility is available for use by UniSQ researchers and postgraduate research students through their supervisors.

UniSQ's HPC comprises a research cluster (Fawkes) with a total of 44 compute nodes, 76 sockets, 4300 cores, 5 GPUs, 32TB total memory and 460TB raw with 360TB usable storage. The HPC cluster runs RHEL 8.10 operating system PBS Pro job scheduler.

Total computational cores 




Total memory 


Raw storage 


Operating system 

RHEL 8.10


HDR/EDR InfiniBand 100/200Gb 

More information about the UniSQ HPC Cluster Configuration can be found on the HPC SharePoint site.

UniSQ eResearch Services are here to help researchers identify, access and budget for much needed software, hardware, tools, platforms and/or services.

As part of this work, we provide training covering HPC, data management and computing, and more, including a dedicated support hour each week.

Register for eResearch Services Training and access a suite of resources via eResearch Services SharePoint site.