Researchers should adhere to the University’s requirements for safe working and all local restrictions within community settings. Researchers working in vulnerable communities and high risk settings should follow Australian Government Department of Health Guidelines and develop a Risk Management Plan.
Applications and reports
The University uses RISE - Ethics Monitor for the Ethics application process.
To start a new Human Research Ethics application, please head to Ethics Monitor within RISE.
Note: Only select 'Yes' to the question, ‘Do you have approval from another Ethics Committee to conduct this project?’ in the Overview tab, if you are completing a request to have your prior approval by another HREC registered at UniSQ. All other applications should select 'No'
Refer to the Human Ethics training guide for further information on how to complete the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor SharePoint site.
The following supporting documents need to be uploaded to your HRE application:
- relevant permissions
- participant information sheets
- consent forms (if required)
- data collection tools i.e survey/interview questions
- any additional supporting documents
If your project involves any of the following, contact the Ethics Office before completing a HRE application:
- genetic testing
- analysis of genetic material
- clinical trials.
Additional information
If you are involved in the conduct of research that has been approved by another Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) then a Human Research Ethics application is required to be submitted to the UniSQ HREC.
Complete the online HRE application, ensuring you select ‘Yes’ to the question, ‘Do you have approval from another Ethics Committee to conduct this project?’ in the 'Overview' tab.
The following supporting documents need to be attached to your HRE application:
- HREC approval letter or notification
- HRE application
- information sheets
- consent forms
- data collection tools
- any additional supporting documents.
If you need to make changes or request an extension to your approved HRE application, the changes must be reviewed and approved by the UniSQ Human Research Ethics Committee before implementation.
Please use RISE - Ethics Monitor to create and submit your amendment request.
Please note: If your Ethics application was approved in RIMS, it has now been migrated over to RISE which means you must now use RISE to create and submit your amendment application. RIMS approved applications are referred to as 'Legacy applications' and there are slightly different steps involved when submitting an amendment to a legacy application. These steps are detailed further below.
How to submit an amendment (RISE approved application): |
How to submit an amendment (Legacy application): |
You can refer to the Human Ethics training guide for further information on how to navigate RISE - Ethics monitor, or visit the Ethics Monitor SharePoint site.
It is a standard condition of Human Research Ethics approval that a milestone report is submitted annually and upon completion of the project. When you are due to report, you should receive a notification directing you to go in to the system, and complete this requirement. Unlike new HRE applications and amendment requests, anyone listed as an investigator can create and submit a milestone report.
Please use RISE - Ethics Monitor to create and submit your milestone.
Please note: If your Ethics application was approved in RIMS, it has now been migrated over to RISE - You must now use RISE to create and submit your milestone report.
How to submit a milestone report |
Alternate method |
Refer to the Human Ethics training guide for further information on how to use Ethics Monitor.
Some research involving humans and/or human data may be eligible for exemption. A HRE application must be submitted to the UniSQ Ethics Office for an exemption assessment to be made and a formal exemption granted. Research must not commence until an official exemption has been granted by the UniSQ HREC.
A Human Research project may be eligible for exemption from ethics review if it carries a lower risk to participants or the community and meets one or more of the following criteria:
1. involves the use of collections of information or data from which all personal identifiers (non-identifiable) have been removed prior to being received by the researchers and where researchers explicitly agree:
(a) not to attempt to re-identify those with whom the information or data is associated;
(b) to take all reasonable steps to prevent re-identification of the information or data for unauthorised purposes or access to the information or data by those who are not authorised; and
(c) that any sharing of any Research data during or after the project will not create any additional risks or re-identification of the information or data.
2. the research is restricted to surveys and observation of public behaviour using information that was or will be collected and recorded without personal identifiers and is highly unlikely to cause distress to anyone associated with the information or the outcomes of the research.
3. is conducted as a part of an educational training program in which the Research Activity is for training purposes only and where any outcomes or documentation are for program use only.
4. uses only information that is publicly available through a mechanism set out by legislation or regulation and that is protected by law, such as mandatory reporting information, information obtained from registries of births and deaths, coronial investigations, or reports of the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Research that involves the use of personal information without consent cannot be granted an exemption from ethics review because, to conduct such research, a waiver of the requirement for consent would need to be granted the UniSQ HREC.
Advice on exemption should be sought from the Ethics team in the Office of Research.
All ethics applications will need to go to the relevant Head of Unit/ Head of School for review and endorsement. This is a workflow step undertaken before an application comes through to the Ethics Office for review.
Heads will have a general look at the application, and pay specific attention to the following in their review:
- Are the Aims, significance and background articulated and appropriate given the research focus of the School (or Centre) and the research team?
- Are there benefits and risks articulated?
- Are there any risks specific to your School, students or courses? If yes, are these being managed appropriately?
- Are there appropriate resources for the project?
Overview of the Steps in the System:
- All the project team participate in drafting the ethics application and collaborating on the design of the project (this can be done using the 'delegate this task' and 'take over the task' actions in the system)
- The Principal Investigator submits the ethics application through for approval - either using the 'save and continue' button on the last tab of the form or by the 'submit application' button in the ethic application overview screen. [Note: Students can not be Principal Investigators on ethics applications, the primary supervisor should be listed as the PI and will therefore submit the application]
- Head of School/ Head of Unit reviews and either sends back to the project team or submits it through to the ethics office. [Please note that your application is not yet with the Ethics Office until the relevant Head of Unit endorses the project].
Quality assurance or evaluation activities must be reviewed and approved by your relevant Senior Manager, Head of School or Centre Director.
Depending on what is involved with your quality assurance or evaluation activities, there are occasions where ethics approval may also be required. Please use the checklist below to determine if you will need to apply for Ethics approval.
Please review the following guidelines before commencing quality assurance or evaluation activities:
If an adverse or unexpected event occurs during research or as a result of the research, please use the adverse event report form in RISE - Ethics Monitor. Anyone listed as an investigator can create and submit and adverse event report.
How to handle unexpected events |
You can refer to the Human Ethics training guide for further information on how to navigate RISE - Ethics monitor, or visit the Ethics Monitor SharePoint site.