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School Engagement

We offer a wide range of engagement options, including presentations and opportunities tailored just for high school students designed to raise tertiary aspirations.

Enrich your students’ learning with our workshops and curriculum-centred activities to directly engage and inspire your students during normal school hours.

These are hosted either on school grounds, or can be arrange on one of three.

School programs

Career Adviser Seminars

The UniSQ Career Adviser Seminars are held each year, at two campus locations, over one day each. In 2025 these events were held at the UniSQ Toowoomba and Springfield campuses. These annual events are held in February, and provide key updates about UniSQ degrees, pathways, admissions trends and career education activities. At the 2025 event we also had an in-depth presentation that covered the Allied Health degrees and a deep dive into the application process and courses that form part of the UniSQ Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Medicine Pathway) degree.These events are also a great networking opportunity for career advisers from the Brisbane, Ipswich, Toowoomba and Gold Coast regions.

If you would like to receive invitations to these events in future, please email

Recommended time: 30 mins

Age: Year 10 - 12

The Head Start program provides school students the opportunity to complete university courses while still at school.

This presentation covers everything you need to know about Head Start including:

  • What is Head Start
  • Benefits of Head Start
  • Eligibility and entry requirements
  • The Program from application to graduation
  • About UniSQ.

Recommended time: 30 mins

Ages: Year 11 - 12

The Become University Ready presentation covers the pathways options available at UniSQ for school-leavers and non-school leavers. This presentation outlines the different ways that prospective students can gain entry into UniSQ, whatever their circumstance or stage of life.

The pathways outlined are:

Recommended time: 30 mins

Ages: Year 11 - 12

UniSQ offers a suite of scholarships available for high school students. This presentation outlines these scholarships along with some tips and tricks to writing applications (where this applies).

Topics include:

  • Academic Merit Scholarships
  • Other Scholarships
  • Equity Scholarships
  • UniSQ Elite Athlete Program
  • Donor Scholarships
  • How to write a Personal Statement
  • Application Checklist
  • Uses/Benefits of a UniSQ Scholarship

Recommended time: 30 mins

Age: Year 10 - 12

This presentation provides a brief overview of all things UniSQ. This presentation does not go into great depth about any particular subject but covers topics including:

  • Scholarships
  • Pathways into UniSQ
  • About UniSQ
  • Support services
  • UniSQ degrees and courses
  • Industry experience
  • Facilities
  • Scholarships
  • Early Entry Guarantee

Age: Grades 7–10

UniSQ Discovery Days offer students the opportunity to explore the variety of pathways and careers available to them.

These on-campus events feature engaging, hands-on sessions designed to help students discover skills, talents and strengths they are good at and enjoy, to identify the range of potential careers that will provide most satisfaction and success.

Expressions of interest will be sent for 2025 events shortly.

For more information contact

Age: Years 11 - 12

Experience UniSQ Days offer school students an on-campus experience where they can delve further into different fields of study and get a taste of life as a UniSQ student.

Years 11 - 12 school students are invited to UniSQ Campuses to discover all that UniSQ has to offer, through academic led experience sessions. 

For more information or to register for Experience UniSQ Days please visit our event page.

  • Experience UniSQ Day, Toowoomba - 2 April 2025
  • Experience UniSQ Day, Ipswich - 4 April 2025
  • Experience UniSQ Day, Springfield - 4 April 2025

Our Career Education Team provides innovative activities and sessions to assist students in years 7 to 12 with:

  • developing their knowledge, skills, and competencies around the world of work and careers
  • empowering them to make informed decisions about their life, study and work options
  • designing their career journeys (and transitions) and 
  • constructing a meaningful career, that is fulfilling with opportunities to provide positive contributions to their workplace and community.

2025 Career Education Workshops

Our Career Outreach workshops are age-appropriate, experiential, scaffolded and were developed to align with the Queensland Curriculum (general capabilities), Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD), and contemporary research to support the unique, developmental needs of the students we support.

  • Creating my Career - Boost confidence and dream big through accessing career dynamics and resources
  • My Career Options - Hear about success stories through education access, community impact and examine non-traditional roles.
  • Designing My Path - Develop career strategies, a positive self-concept and the future world of work.
  • Navigating My Journey - Understand how experiential work contributes to knowledge of self and future career decisions.
  • Life Beyond School - Develop a positive self view and understand its influence on career decisions. Learn key wellbeing skills and strategies for moving into further study and work.
  • New World of Work - Respond positively to changes in global, work, community and personal contexts. Understand the importance and role of lifelong learning and apply career information and factors like the economy and job market.

Book a workshop

We can also support your school community and parents.

How to have career conversations – supporting parents in developing their skills and confidence in holding career conversation with their young person to support their study, career, and life decision-making.

Bringing careers into the classroom – workshops that support teachers in the delivery of career education in their practice, to support their students in expanding their horizons and strengthening their future study and career decision-making and career planning.

Something different? Our qualified and experienced team can work with you to develop a session or activity to suit your needs.

For further information or to make a booking, please contact the Career Education team on

Head Start

Do you have a motivated Year 10-12 student looking for their next study opportunity? Through our Head Start program, students can complete university courses while still at school and help them identify or cement their career paths. 

Career appointments

Our team offer one-on-one career appointments with pre-university students or current students to support their career management, career planning, and strengthen their study and career decision-making.


The Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) provides funding to universities listed in Table A of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to implement strategies that improve access to undergraduate courses for people from regional and remote Australia, low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds, and Indigenous persons. HEPPP also helps to improve the retention and completion rates of those students.

The key objective of the HEPPP is to promote equality of opportunity in higher education by improving:

  • outreach to widen aspiration and promote higher education to persons from a low SES background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous persons; and
  • the extent to which persons from a low SES background, persons from regional areas and remote areas, and Indigenous persons access, participate, remain and succeed in higher education, and obtain higher education awards.”
    (Australian Government, Department of Educations, Skills and Employment)

UniSQ’s key eligibility criteria for HEPPP programs include schools with a < 1000 ICSEA score, low socio-economic areas, rural and regional locations, and cohorts with Indigenous students. The programs UniSQ offer are as below. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you want to find out more.

If you are planning a Careers Expo, we can help. Our experienced staff and student ambassadors (current UniSQ students) can attend your event to answer questions and chat about options with students, teachers and parents.

A Careers Expo is an ideal follow-up to a UniSQ school presentation, giving students a chance to ask detailed questions and receive advice tailored to their specific needs.