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Requesting changes to your candidature

The leave request process is used for all leave types. Students taking leave should discuss with their principal supervisor and confirm any dates they will be absent from their studies.

The leave request process can be accessed via the ‘Research’ tile in your Student Centre under the Candidature menu. For a step-by-step guide on how to submit a Leave of Absence request, view the Leave Request for HDR Students in the Variation to Candidature section.

A request duration for a Leave of Absence must align with the relevant Academic Calendar study periods. Your request, if approved, may be adjusted after consideration by the Dean (GRS) to align with the Academic Calendar study periods.The completion date (thesis submission due date) for examination will normally be extended by the same period of an approved Leave of Absence type of leave, and in special circumstances ‘Other-Special Leave’ type of leave. Please make a separate request if you require an extension to any HDR milestone due date.

Whilst on leave, you are not required to enrol or pay tuition fees. As such, students are not entitled to access or utilise resources provided by the University, including advice from your supervisory team. These resources include any office, library, lab or research space, building access outside business hours and computing resources, including computers and software, during the period of leave. These resources may be redistributed in your absence.

For international students

Additional requirements for the Leave of Absence request may apply for international students. Please consult the GRS.


It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Graduate Research School at least 10 working days prior to re-commencing their studies to ensure their enrolment and any stipend scholarship payments are reinstated. International on-campus students on a student visa are required to re-confirm they have returned from leave as part of reporting requirements.

Students may apply to extend their candidature. Extensions (if approved) are to allow you to complete your thesis and submit for examination.

In approving a request for extension of candidature, consideration will be given to the progress made to date, the anticipated timelines for completion, any extenuating circumstances that have delayed the project and whether this was outside your control. An extension of candidature will need to be supported by your supervisors, and approved by the Graduate Research School. Extensions of candidature are not automatic and normally only approved for a period of up to six months. 

If you wish to apply to extend your candidature time you will be required to complete this through the Extension Request form, through your Student Centre, via the ‘Research’ tile, utilising the Candidature menu.

You will need to nominate an extended submission date, enter the reason for the extension request and provide any supporting documentation.
The Extension Request is sent to your Principal Supervisor for endorsement before it is sent to the Graduate Research School for a recommendation. Candidates are notified by email (to their USQ (UMail) email address) if their request is approved or if further action is required.

Please access the Extension HDR Request  guide for details on completing this process.
Students who receive a University scholarship may apply to extend their scholarship entitlements up to a maximum period of up to six (6) months to enable them to submit their thesis for submission.

The Scholarship Leave Application is for applications for recreational leave of 20 days per calendar (which is 4 weeks at 5 days/week) year, 10 sick days (2 weeks at 5 days/week) per calendar year or parental leave which can be more than 4 weeks or less than 4 weeks – cumulative if the leave is not used during a calendar year.

You must complete a Scholarship Leave Request via the Leave Request process via the ‘Research’ tile in your Student Centre under the Candidature menu. You then can select the Scholarship Leave Request from the options available .

Approval of scholarship extensions will be based on the progress you have made, supported by your supervisors, and approved by the Graduate Research School. The extensions of scholarship funding is not automatic and any decision on the application to extend the scholarship will be provided in writing to you via your university email address.

The University recognises that occasions may arise in which students find it necessary to drop a course after the census date. In such cases, the academic penalty (i.e. Fail grade) may be waived and the financial liability (Research Training Scheme or tuition) reversed if the course is dropped for special circumstances.

Further information on withdrawing from your course is available. Please note that applications must be made within 12 months of the end of the period of study in which the course was, or was to be undertaken.