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Working toward your confirmation of candidature

Admission to a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program is normally provisional until the student successfully completes the confirmation of candidature process.

HDR students are normally considered to be provisional candidates in their respective programs until they have completed the confirmation of candidature process. Once they have completed that process, they are considered to be confirmed candidates. A confirmed candidate has access to their UniSQ research funding allocation, and has greater access to the University resources they need in order to complete their studies. Confirmation is a requirement of all UniSQ HDR programs.

The full confirmation of candidature process would be expected to be completed within the timelines in the table below. The Graduate Research School (GRS) contacts each provisional candidate to inform them of the specific deadline by which they are expected to have completed the confirmation process. It is recommended that students begin the confirmation process at least 18 weeks prior to that deadline to ensure this timeline is met. 

Program  Full-time  Part-time

Doctor of Education (DEDU) *
Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)
Doctor of Professional Studies Research (DPRS)*

 1 year  2 years
Doctor of Business Administration Research (DBAR)*
Doctor of Creative Arts (DCAR)*
Doctor of Professional Engineering (DPEN) *
 1.25 years 2.5 years

Master of Business Research (MBSR)*
Master of Engineering Research (MENR)*
Master of Laws (LLMR)*
Master of Professional Studies Research (MPSR)*
Master of Science Research (MSCR)*
Master of Research (MRES)

 0.5 years 1 year










There are 2 components to the confirmation of candidature process:

  1. a written Confirmation Proposal, normally no longer than 20 pages
  2. an oral presentation, normally of 30 to 45 minutes duration to a review panel.

* The DEDU, DPRS, DBAR, DCAR, DPEN, MBSR, MENR, LLMR, MPSR, and MSCR are no longer offered to commencing students. Information on this page that is specific to these programs is provided for the use of those students who commenced in them prior to February 2022 and have not yet completed confirmation of candidature.

An extension request for a Confirmation of Candidature milestone is lodged via direct email to the Graduate Research School ( Please attach written support from your supervisor, the new date being requested, and the rationale for the request.

You need to address the following areas in your confirmation proposal:

  • aims and objectives of the research
  • review of the relevant literature
  • proposed contribution to the field of research
  • details of the proposed research methods, including analysis of data
  • draft research ethics application, if appropriate
  • risk assessment
  • milestones and timelines
  • resources required to complete the research, and
  • an indication of the type of Thesis expected to be submitted (e.g. Standard Thesis, Thesis by Publication, Thesis with Creative Works component). 

Students should ensure they adhere to the Confirmation of Candidature Proposal Guidelines when preparing their proposal. To facilitate this, a Confirmation of Candidature Research Proposal Template is available, but its use is not mandatory.

The oral presentation provides students with the opportunity to present their proposed research for peer review. This would normally include the confirmation panel, peers from the relevant discipline and the wider university community. 

The oral presentation will normally be followed by question time from attendees to provide the student with an opportunity to experience academic discussion of research work.

It is expected that expert and constructive advice from those in attendance at the oral presentation will be noted by the panel and may be provided for inclusion in the feedback to the student.

Most confirmation of candidature seminars are held via Zoom. Should you wish to present on-campus, please specify which campus you would like to present from when you submit your documentation to the GRS. Physical attendance at oncampus seminars is restricted to the student, the supervisors, and the panel. All other attendees will need to attend via Zoom.

Seminars held on the Toowoomba campus are held in room Q303, which exists within the footprint of the GRS, allowing us to provide onsite technical support for the meeting. The GRS is not able to provide onsite technical support for seminars held in other rooms, or on either the Ipswich or Springfield campuses. 
If you do not already have Zoom installed on your computer, the Zoom download is available. Please note that you will need to have a PC or Mac with Internet access, a webcam, speakers, and a microphone. A headset that combines headphones and microphone will work too.

In order to participate in any seminar, you will need to be logged into Zoom before connecting to the meeting. 
Zoom apps for iOS and Android devices are also available from the links below:

If you intend to share a presentation from a smartphone or tablet, please ensure you have the PowerPoint app installed on that device and please contact the GRS at least two working days before the seminar to arrange a practice session.

Details of each CoC’s Zoom session will be available within the relevant entries in your electronic calendars. Each session will start automatically, either at the time specified in the meeting invite or when the first participant enters the videoconference. If you cannot find the Zoom ID for the seminar you need/wish to attend, please let us know by return email. 

The following resources will assist you if you are unfamiliar with the Zoom system:

Please contact the Graduate Research School:

  • If you and/or your student would like to schedule a practice session beforehand, please email us with your request and we will schedule a time.
  • If you and/or your student are unable to attend your CoC session(s) via Zoom due to a lack of equipment
  • If you and/or your student are unable to attend your CoC session(s) because you are unwell.

 The Graduate Research School will endeavour to make arrangements that ensure your seminar either happens when currently scheduled, or is rescheduled to a future date. 

18 weeks prior to confirmation of candidature deadline

Initiate planning for your confirmation seminar by following information contained within the Confirmation of Candidature Guide. This will require you to complete a number of web-based forms.

Please note that any confirmation seminar arranged outside of this process will not be considered valid. 

It is expected that the student will have completed the following additional components at the time of confirmation:

The confirmation review panel, through the Graduate Research School (GRS) will provide written feedback on the confirmation proposal document, normally in the form of a report summarising the strengths, achievements, developmental needs and further revisions (if required). Students can normally expect that report back within 2 weeks of the seminar.

The confirmation review panel will make one of the following recommendations in their report:

  • Pass – editorial corrections only
  • Minor  Revisions
  • Major Revisions
  • Resubmission – candidature to be continued with conditions
  • Candidature to be reviewed.

The GRS will relay the outcome of the seminar to the student and the supervisors with instructions, and the deadline by which that response is required. 

On receipt of the revised proposal, the GRS will forward the relevant documents to the appropriate parties for approval.

The student will receive official notification of the final outcome of the Confirmation of Candidature process through the Graduate Research School.

You will be sent an email with finance information once you are confirmed in your HDR program.

If you have any queries, please email the Graduate Research School.